A few words from…
Nir Erez, Founder & CEO of Moovit.
Tell us about Moovit
We’re agregating information that includes all modes of transportation starting from public transit and all other mobility aspects like ride sharing, ride hailing, micromobility and others.
Some numbers?
We operate today in more than 104 countries, more than 3200 cities and we were able to bring more than 800 million users to our infrastructure to use Moovit along the years.
What problem does Moovit address?
Moving within urban areas includes a lot of pieces of information, a lot of moving parts, public transit contains a lot of different modes of operation and modes of transportation, and the biggest challenge people have is about aggregating all these pieces of information into one repository that will be able to provide the most optimized way to go or to move between one point to another.
What’s your magic sauce?
We collect data from many many different sources but we also use a lot of crowdsourced information to make our data the most comprehensive and accurate information possible.
Your main competitive advantage?
Actually our community of volunteers Moovit will not only collects a lot of crowds which data from our users but we were able to build a community of more than 700.000 editors that work around the world and help us build, and more importantly, maintain transit data to be the most accurate information possible. That sets us apart from any other solution around the world.
What will be the main changes due to Covid-19?
There is gonna be a big change in the early days regarding how many people can move within the same vehicle in order to separate between different people. But for the long term, I think mass transit will remain the same.
They’re still a need to transport a massive amount of people from different locations to others and that will not be able to change.
Intel acquired Moovit for $900 Million, can you tell us more about it?
It’s a match made in heaven, between a company that is the top of the line in autonomous vehicle infrastructure and technology, and Moovit that provides today the most comprehensive not only transit data, but user demand on a daily basis, combining the information, the data about how people would like to move, people’s intent. With, probably the best and most advanced service that the future perceived about autonomous vehicles will create a very powerful service that can be provided and become the most efficient and useful for people within their urban areas.