- 03 - 05 Jun 2020
- Expired!
- All Day
European Conference on mobility management
ECOMM is a global event, the true meeting place for everyone involved in mobility management and every year attracts between 300 and 400 people to the city which hosts it. Throughout its 22 editions it has been placed in numerous countries and cities and Cascais, due to its pioneering and interest in this matter, was the place chosen to host the 23rd edition.
The creation of ECOMM goes back to the year of 1997, in Amsterdam, as the final conference of the MOMENTUM research project. It took place again in the following year in Nottingham, with the newly formed International Programme Committee (IPC) in charge of its organization.
Aiming to pursue this project, several member states from the European Union united, in 1999, to form the European Project known as EPOMM – European Platform on Mobility Management, a network of governments in European countries which are involved in Mobility Management. This project was then turned into a non-profit international organization in 2003, with the organization of ECOMM as one of its main tasks every year.
Since then ECOMM has been a meeting point for politicians, engineers and scientists, as well as everyone who practices and is involved with mobility. This three-day event offers a diverse and relevant number of experiences, like excursions, keynote speeches, presentations and workshops and even an exhibition.