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Automotive Europe 2024


The end goal is clear, yet the journey is one of the most complex puzzles our industry has ever faced. The need for autonomous, electric and software defined vehicles is well known, however, the structural change and mindset shift required to enable such concepts to become a reality, we are still in need of.

Industry leaders must lower their guard against collaboration to remain competitive across all channels. Your success depends upon your ability to scale and enhance your electric vehicle offering, develop software-driven vehicles with updated AI, ML, OTA, V2X capabilities and overhaul your manufacturing processes to enable affordable products.

Reuters Events’ European flagship event: Automotive Europe 2024 will provide you with a unique opportunity to network, share new ideas and enhance existing processes alongside 400+ senior automotive executives. Join us for Live Reuters News interviews, interactive workshops, VIP forums and dinners alongside our two main stages: Automotive Tech and Electrification.


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