- 05 May 2021
- Expired!
- 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Vianova Webinar #7 – Managing Mobility Hubs
Core to the development of how we rebuild mobility in cities will be interchange between modes. Seamless transitions between rail, bus and micro-mobility will only become more important as cities attempt to serve an increasingly diverse range of mobility needs in the post pandemic world. What is a contemporary mobility hub and what does best practices look like?
Topics that we’ll discuss with our guests:
*What should a mobility hub seek to achieve and what modes should this encompass?
*How can a data-led approach assist in identifying the locations, the range of modes, the operational success and future planning for mobility hubs in European cities?
Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_fksfgG34Q9mnTyQS6IZxTg