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Urban Mobility Changemaker Bootcamp 2022


Discover and discuss the latest challenges and possible solutions in urban mobility and logistics.


The Urban Mobility Changemaker and the Mobilise Research Group of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) is inviting you to the two-day Urban Mobility Bootcamp on November 22-23, 2022 at the U-Residence at the VUB Campus in Brussels and online.


Why should you join? 
The Bootcamp focuses on the transition towards zero emission mobility in cities addressing both mobility and logistics. During the two days, we will investigate how our cities can cope with the challenge of reducing carbon emissions and improving the well-being of their residents. A series of lectures from renowned academics and practitioners will explore how the 8As of transition conceived by Prof. Cathy Macharis in her recent book “WITH A FACTOR OF 8 TO THE MOBILITY SYSTEM OF THE FUTURE” can help policy makers, transport and logistics operators, citizen organisations and the people living in cities themselves to improve mobility in our cities.

The presentations will demonstrate recent evidence why we need to be aware of the need for change; how we can avoid unnecessary travel; how we can act & shift to more sustainable modes and anticipate new technologies that can help cities in the transition. Furthermore, we will demonstrate how policy can accelerate the transition, through actor involvement, in order to alter behaviour, and then get into the right mood for transformation and let all fall in love. We will also present tools and methods that support a just transition, such as impact evaluation, co-creation and inclusive design. Practitioners from policy making and operators will give testimonials of their innovative solutions to foster the transition. An interactive prototyping workshop will explore How might we accelerate carbon reduction through collaboration?  hosted by Footprint and Digital Hub Mobility and we will develop future scenarios for transport playing  the Mobility as a Serious Game boardgame.

The participants can bring in their own knowledge and experience through interactive workshops where we will discuss how the theory and the tools can be transferred into practice.

Who will be the participants? 
The Urban Mobility Bootcamp is targeted at professionals such as policy makers, public transport operators, private mobility operators, public sector representatives, EU employees, non-profit organisations, researchers, students (Master/PhD) and everyone else working in the field of the urban mobility and logistics.

Who will inspire you? 
The presenters and workshop facilitators will be renowned experts from the Mobilise, MOBI and Cosmopolis Research Centres of the VUB, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm), Aalto University Executive Education (Helsinki) and UnternehmerTUM (Munich) as well as practitioners from MPact (NGO for shared mobility), Brussels Mobility (Regional Mobility Administration in Brussels) among others.

What is Urban Mobility Changemaker? 
The Urban Mobility Changemaker Bootcamp is organised by the Urban Mobility Changemaker consortium. The Urban Mobility Changemaker seeks to empower urban mobility professionals for a transition towards sustainable urban mobility. The professional education programme is a cooperation between Aalto University Executive Education (Helsinki), KTH Stockholm, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Digital Mobility Hub at UnternehmerTUM (Munich) and the Mobilise Research Group at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel realised with support of EIT Urban Mobility, co-funded by the European Union.

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