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Zoom Online Webinar

Next Event


27 Apr 2020


3:00 pm - 4:00 pm



We are witnessing a massive decline in public transit usage in major cities around the globe in response to the global Covid-19 pandemic. Public transit budgets are suffering and private mobility services are ceasing or reducing operations as people and governments seek to increase social distance. Yet some people still need to move within cities and regions to access or to deliver essential services. Furthermore, companies around the globe are gong to gradually reopen in the coming months. How can employees and citizens move around during pandemics like Covid-19 in a safer way, reducing contagion at home, on transit and in the office?

Iomob is a company that has built an enterprise grade B2B/B2G Mobility as a Service platform to enable transport operators and corporations the ability to offer seamless access to sustainable combinations of public and private mobility services (e.g. public transit, rail, taxis, ridehalining. micromobilty) to their employees, residents and visitors.

In response to Covid-19, Iomob is developing features to support the filteraing of mobility services which conform to some degree of social distancing guidelines needed during the Covid-19 crisis and recovery. This initiaitve under fast track reviewed by the European Union, has received global media attention in journals like Inteligent Transport and was endorsed by 22 regional and global organizations such as UITP, the MaaS Alliance, New Cities Foundation and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

In this Webinar, Iomob’s CEO and co-founder, Boyd Cohen, and Scott Shepard (Iomob, CBO) will lead a discussion of Iomob’s MaaS platform and how it can be used to encourage more sustainable and safer urban and regional mobility during pandemics like Covid-19. Furthermore, we will be joined by Josep Laborda, co-founder of Factual Consulting, a boutique mobility consultancy who worked with Iomob to develop our CORE MaaS (COvid-19 REsilient MaaS) proposal to the European Union.

The event is finished.

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